الثلاثاء، 7 مارس 2017

"The Huffington Post" declare : Trevor Noah Smacks Down Donald Trump: 'He's A Proven Troll'

Vaccines Cause AutismTrump is a firm believer in the notion that vaccines cause autism, a theory that has long been debunked and traces its roots back to a retracted 1998 article in a medical journal. "We had so many instances, people that work for me, just the other day ... a beautiful child went to have the Vaccine and came back, and a week later got a tremendous fever, got very, very sick, now is autistic ," Trump said at a Republican presidential primary debate last fall.It was only one of many times the candidate has claimed that vaccines are toxic and can cause autism in children.

according to For them, the ascendancy of Donald Trump has posed a double challenge: How political are they going to be, and how oppositional are they going to be? That's underscored now that his presidency has redrawn the power map in late-night comedy. If Trump demands a stepping-up of one's game, Seth Meyers has demonstrated that this was the chance he was waiting for. Even James Corden, whose show rivals Fallon's for manic cheerfulness, doesn't tiptoe around politics, partly because Corden, for all his karaoke jubilance, doesn't feel nervous about throwing a punch the way Fallon does. As a target, he has always been both irresistible (because he's hypersensitive to critique) and frustrating (because he's unaltered by it).

Donald Trump: a gift and a quandary for late-night hosts.
according to

Donald Trump: Breitbart Dominated the Media

"A right-wing media network anchored around Breitbart developed as a distinct and insulated media system, using social media as a backbone to transmit a hyper-partisan perspective," the study says . In all, the researchers mapped 1.25 million stories that were published by 25,000 different media outlets over the course of the election. In many ways, the rise of these right-wing alternative media and the rise of Donald Trump as a presidential candidate parallel each other, and they have arguably been fueled by similar undercurrents in U.S. society. Breitbart and other like-minded outlets didn't single-handedly get Trump elected, but there has definitely been a symbiotic relationship between the two. "This pro-Trump media sphere appears to have not only successfully set the agenda for the conservative media sphere, but also strongly influenced the broader media."

Donald Trump: Breitbart Dominated the Media

read more visit us Donald Trump

collected by :Ema Jackop

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