السبت، 25 مارس 2017

Enraged by Donald Trump Jr.’s Tweet quoting : "The New York Times"

Khan's actual response to Wednesday's terror attack was exactly right: "Londoners will never be cowed by terrorism."Khan rightly responded to Donald, Jr. by not responding. Now, Donald, Jr. has taken to tweeting contempt for the mayor of London. I am afraid the consequences of a terror attack are very very scary. He told CNN, "I'm not going to respond to a tweet from Donald Trump Jr, I've been doing more important things over the past 24 hours."Meanwhile, Donald, Jr. continues to live and work and raise his family with constant armed protection even as his father's budget would strip protections from millions of other New Yorkers. You have to wonder if Donald, Jr. would be so quick and reckless with his thumbs if Khan were not a Muslim and had not so forthrightly expressed his opinion of the travel ban.

As it stated in
Enraged by Donald Trump Jr.'s Tweet
In two short months we have seen America reduced from the leader of the Western world to the pariah of the Western world. PhotoTo the Editor:Re "President's Son Criticizes London Mayor, to Some Britons' Dismay" (news article, March 23):I am a Brit who is incandescent with rage after reading about Donald Trump Jr.'s tweet in response to the recent terror attack. It is equally important for the many honorable Americans to respond, to stand up and be counted. The total lack of the compassion and respect that is surely to be expected from a president and his offspring is unacceptable in a civilized world. Surely not — certainly not those Americans of my acquaintance.

read more visit us Donald Trump

collected by :Ema Jackop

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