الثلاثاء، 18 أبريل 2017

"Milwaukee Journal Sentinel" declare : President Donald Trump touts manufacturing, promises help for Wisconsin dairy farmers at Snap-on in Kenosha

Buy Photo President Donald Trump speaks during a visit to Snap-on Tools in Kenosha Tuesday. "I think he's trying very hard to do what he says he's going to do. Grassland said it lost its Canadian business when Canada changed its dairy policies to favor domestic milk over a supply from the U.S."We're going to stand up for our dairy farmers in Wisconsin," Trump said. "The enemy doesn't know what he's going to do." Joining Trump on the Wisconsin trip were top aides Reince Priebus who grew up in Kenosha County, Kellyanne Conway and Steve Bannon.

As it stated in But what would a "conventional Republican" trade policy look like? My bet on a Trump tax legacy: nothing. I think Trump is so inept that he will be unable to get a major tax cut out of a Republican Congress. Trump has none of those three, a problem that will repeat with other unpopular, conventional Republican policies he might try to pass. A presidency does not have to be importantThe American Health Care Act failed for a fundamental reason: Like a lot of conventional Republican ideas, it was very unpopular.

Donald Trump is heading for a do-nothing presidency
As it stated in

KING: How and why Bernie Sanders could've beaten Donald Trump

Bernie Sanders could've and would've beaten Donald Trump. Saying that Bernie could've beaten Donald Trump is not an insult to Hillary Clinton. This is also why Bernie Sanders won 23 different primary contests against Hillary Clinton. People love Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders speaks behind giant tub of Ben & Jerry'sPeople want to make Bernie Sanders out to be some political weirdo whose views are far outside of the mainstream, but I sincerely believe the exact opposite is true.

KING: How and why Bernie Sanders could've beaten Donald Trump

read more visit us Donald Trump

collected by :Ema Jackop

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