الأحد، 16 أبريل 2017

"nationalinterest" said : Donald Trump on Twitter: Why Slam China On Trade If They Help With North Korea?

President Donald Trump said Sunday on Twitter he has no reason to punish China for its currency management practices as long as they are willing to help rein in North Korea. Trump may still decide to go after China on trade if the latter fails to uphold its end of the bargain on North Korea. Since the president took office, North Korea has conducted five missile tests and launched eight ballistic missiles. At the same time, the president also sees China as essential for resolving the North Korea problem that has puzzled world leaders for decades. "I think China has tremendous control over North Korea, whether they say so or not.

referring to

Donald Trump is making the same deal with China on North Korea that Barack Obama did — Quartz

Donald Trump is making the same deal with China on North Korea that Barack Obama did — Quartz
Since Trump and Xi met, China has reduced coal shipments and threatened the oil trade with North Korea. Those administrations calculated that cooperation on other issues, including North Korea, was more helpful to international stability than a fight over trade terms. President Donald Trump shared a little insight into US foreign policy after North Korea's fizzled missile test:Why would I call China a currency manipulator when they are working with us on the North Korean problem? You'd have China collapse in about two minutes."But 2017 Trump seems to have left the proverbial stick back on the campaign trail. As Trump slides into Obama's shoes in the face of the North Korean threat, it's a reminder that geopolitical interest can quickly outweigh even Trump's unpredictable rhetoric.

Is Donald Trump the man to promote peace with North Korea?

read more visit us Donald Trump

collected by :Ema Jackop

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