الاثنين، 16 أكتوبر 2017

Five Climate Truths Donald Trump Doesn’t Understand

collected by :Tod Hinery

open_word} "Trump Digs Coal" read the signs during the campaign, and Donald Trump promised he would be "an unbelievable positive" for the miners. Average solar system prices $6k/kW Residential Utility-scale 2015 5k '16 4k '22 3k 2k 1k Japan Korea U.S. Aus. Source: Analysis based on IRENA; International Energy Association Average solar system prices $6k/kW Residential Utility-scale 2015 5k '16 4k '22 3k 2k 1k Japan Aus. Wind contract price, national average $60 40 20 $22.02 0 2010 2012 2014 2016 Note: Contract price is the power purchase agreement, generation-weighted average. That's because wind power contracts lock in low prices for 20 years or longer, whereas the cost of natural gas fluctuates from day to day.

In Puerto Rico, Tesla Is Doing What Donald Trump Isn't—Fixing it

Almost one month after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, technology firms like Tesla are stepping in to fill the relief-effort void that many say President Donald Trump has created. GoogleAnother issue facing Puerto Rico is its poor internet connectivity, something Google's parent company, Alphabet, is seeking to remedy with a swarm of balloons. However, this misjudged stunt overshadowed his company's own efforts to assist Puerto Rico. "Nobody could have done what I've done for Puerto Rico with so little appreciation," Trump posted on Twitter last week. "The American people need to know whether the Trump administration is truly focused on helping the millions of Americans now suffering in Puerto Rico."

In Puerto Rico, Tesla Is Doing What Donald Trump Isn't—Fixing it

The deadly ambush Donald Trump hasn't yet acknowledged

as mentioned in It's been nearly two weeks since U.S. forces were ambushed in Niger, an attack that left four American servicemen dead. If it seems like this story hasn't generated much in the way of national news, it may be because Donald Trump hasn't said a word about it. La David Johnson was returned to Dover Air Force Base after he was killed in an ISIS ambush in Niger, President Donald Trump was golfing. But since the ambush on October 4 in Niger, he has not commented publicly on the deadliest combat incident involving US troops since he took office. And as we have more details, we'll certainly let you guys know."Since then, there's been nothing from Trump World on the deadly incident.

Here's the Memo the Kremlin-Linked Lawyer Took to the Meeting With Donald Trump Jr.

"If it's what you say I love it," Trump Jr. wrote back. Veselnitskaya said when it became clear the meeting wasn't what Trump Jr. expected, the document never changed hands. A lawyer for Trump Jr. did not respond to questions from FP. When Trump Jr. and Veselnitskaya met in June 2016, each appeared to think the meeting was about something different. Neither "the meeting with Donald Trump Jr., nor with anybody else in the US had [anything] to do with the elections," she wrote.

Here's the Memo the Kremlin-Linked Lawyer Took to the Meeting With Donald Trump Jr.

Donald Trump thought his off-the-cuff Hillary joke was so hilarious he just had to tweet it.

I was recently asked if Crooked Hillary Clinton is going to run in 2020? — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 16, 2017"I was recently asked if Crooked Hillary Clinton is going to run in 2020?" asked Trump, confusingly. https://t.co/u9FNPnaiWj — A Mancino-Williams (@Manda_like_wine) October 16, 2017 He's all over the place this morning. https://t.co/GVKAfP4BtW — Jonathan Cristol (@jonathancristol) October 16, 2017 eyes on the prize https://t.co/Md7dP28Vaj — Sam Stein (@samstein) October 16, 2017 who asked?

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