الجمعة، 3 نوفمبر 2017

Here are the 29 business leaders headed to China with Donald Trump

collected by :Tod Hinery

Dozens of CEOs and other corporate leaders are tagging along with President Donald Trump when he heads to China next week, including a number of corporate big-wigs, mega-donors and Republican leaders. The head of that council was Andrew Liveris, who will be joining the president in China. The president will be touring Asia from Nov. 5 to Nov. 14, including stops in Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines. A priority of Trump's Asia tour will be bolstering trade with some of the United States' top business partners. Here is the full list of CEOs and other leaders joining the president in China:

Donald Trump nominates Jerome Powell as Fed chair

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Jerome Powell had been widely tipped as the top choicePresident Donald Trump has named Jerome Powell as his pick to lead the Federal Reserve. Mr Powell, a Republican and multi-millionaire, currently serves as a member of the bank's board, to which he was appointed in 2012. President Trump said Mr Powell, known as Jay, commanded the respect of both parties and urged swift Senate confirmation. Despite a tradition of reappointing Fed chairs, President Trump has said he wanted to make his own "mark". "His background is a terrific background - again a lot of government service, service in the Fed, service in the private sector," Blankfein said.

Donald Trump nominates Jerome Powell as Fed chair

Nearly half of Americans think Donald Trump committed a crime during the presidential campaign

according to 1/17 Paul Manafort Mr Manafort is a Republican strategist and former Trump campaign manager. AP3/17 George Papadopoulos George Papadopoulos was a former foreign policy adviser for the Trump campaign, having joined around March 2016. Twitter4/17 Donald Trump Jr The President's eldest son met with a Russian lawyer - Natalia Veselnitskaya - on 9 June 2016 at Trump Tower in New York. In an email chain released by Mr Trump Jr, Mr Goldstone seemed to indicate Russian government's support of Donald Trump's campaign. Creative Commons15/17 James Comey Mr Comey was fired from his post as head of the FBI by President Donald Trump.

Donald Trump jets off to Asia for crucial five-nation tour in bid to SMASH North Korea

President Trump's tour of Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines from Friday to November 14 will take him out of Washington for ten days. The US leader's main priority will be to discuss Kim Jong-un's warmongering regime with China as well as key US allies Japan and South Korea. The last time a US president was in Asia for so long was in late 1991 and early 1992, when President George HW Bush became ill at a Japanese state dinner. President Donald Trump flew on Friday morning to Hawaii, stopping for a briefing on US military forces in the Pacific and a visit to Pearl Harbor.

Donald Trump jets off to Asia for crucial five-nation tour in bid to SMASH North Korea

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