الاثنين، 6 نوفمبر 2017

Jared Kushner on Donald Trump’s Election Night: ‘I Got an Idea, Let’s Call Drudge’

collected by :Tod Hinery

Heading into the evening, pollsters and early exit polls showed that Trump probably wasn't on the road to victory. "The exit polls were horrific," Bannon told Esquire. "Jared [Kushner] and I were out on this balcony in Trump Tower," Bannon told Esquire. "And Jared goes, 'I got an idea, let's call [Matt] Drudge,'" Bannon said. So they called Trump and told him what the first exit polls showed, but also focused on what Drudge had told them.

Donald Trump's Vow to Hit ISIS "10 Times Harder" Guarantees More Terrorism Against Americans

On the campaign trail, the reality TV star pledged to "bomb the shit" out of the Islamic State. Bombing the shit out of ISIS has become Trump's signature move. Well, Saipov isn't of course the first Al Qaeda or ISIS attacker to refer to the deaths of Muslim civilians abroad as a motivating factor for murderous violence inside the United States. And so it remains one of the the biggest taboos of all: Citing the role that a belligerent U.S. foreign policy seems to play in provoking terror attacks against the United States. "There would have been no [ISIS] attacks" inside the U.S., Sageman claimed, had the United States stayed out of Iraq and Syria.

Donald Trump's Vow to Hit ISIS

Donald Trump's tweeting has changed how we view leaders

according to When they do speak up, President Donald Trump retaliates by doubling down on his virtual megaphone: Twitter. Now Playing: Watch this: Trump's tweets: A year in reviewHow dramatic? Two-thirds of Americans now get some of their news from social media, a Pew Research Center study found in September. "I understood early that Facebook was how Donald Trump was going to win," Parscale said. "Trump's tweets are must-see during lunchtime over here," said Luefkens, who lives in Geneva.

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