الاثنين، 6 نوفمبر 2017

Woman fired after showing Donald Trump the middle finger as his motorcade passed

collected by :Tod Hinery

An American marketing executive has been fired from her job after giving the finger to President Donald Trump as his motorcade passed. Juli Briskman, 50, was cycling through Sterling, Virginia last month when she was passed by the president, en route to his golf course on the weekend. "Here's what was going through my head that day: 'Really? "I was thinking about all this, tooling along, when I see the black cars come and I remember, oh, yeah, he was back on the golf course," she told The Washington Post. When the motorcade passed, she had no idea her one-fingered salute had been captured by photographer Brendan Smialowski, working for Agence France-Presse and Getty Images.

Donald Trump is in a very bad polling place

(CNN) President Donald Trump has never been terribly popular with the American public. But in the past month, Trump has seen a sustained dip in his numbers that have to be concerning to the poll-obsessed President. Trump's average approval rating over those 10 polls is 37.1%. That matches the lowest Trump approval rating for any week of his presidency to date. (Trump's approval averaged 35% for the week of August 27.)

Donald Trump is in a very bad polling place

How Donald Trump inspired the "Bon Jovi Free Zone" in 2014

As it stated in It was 2014, and Donald Trump was planning to bid on the Buffalo Bills. Trump had one major point of emphasis: Take down Jon Bon Jovi. So my job on the public relations side was to popularize that concept – that if you sell to Jon Bon Jovi, this is going to Toronto, no matter what they say. And basically we put a poster together – it said "Bon Jovi Free Zone." And Tony Lynch took that poster everywhere and got all the bar owners to declare their bars, Bon Jovi Free Zones.

The dangerous cult of Donald Trump

The authority that a cult leader exercises comes from his self-ascribed role as the one true information source for his followers. The cult leader is generally believed to possess special knowledge. One of the ways a cult leader maintains his unquestioned authority is by creating a siege mentality among his followers and presenting himself as the antidote. In Trump's view, the country is a wasteland of empty factories "scattered like tombstones" and crime-ridden cities that are more dangerous than war zones. That some of Trump's supporters view the president in cosmic terms is clear.

The dangerous cult of Donald Trump

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