الثلاثاء، 7 نوفمبر 2017

How much golf does Donald Trump play compared to average players?

collected by :Tod Hinery

In his first nine months as president of the United States, Donald Trump unofficially played 60 rounds of golf. Saying Donald Trump plays a LOT of golf is a fact backed up by figures provided by the National Golf Foundation. RELATED: How good is Donald Trump the golfer? These avid golfers play 33.7 rounds per year, meaning Trump plays about 2.5-times as much. RELATED: Sorry, Internet, but Donald Trump probably isn't cheating in this videoWATCH: GOLF DIGEST VIDEOS

Donald Trump Can't Lose

Donald Trump points as he walks across the South Lawn before departing the White House on Marine One October 16, 2017. With all of that in mind, how should we evaluate whether Trumpism "wins" or "loses" in Virginia tonight? In the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump got 44.4 percent of the vote in Virginia. There are a couple things going on in these numbers: Republican vote share is trending downward, yes. Donald Trump was Donald Trump.

Donald Trump Can't Lose

It's been one year since the US election – Donald Trump has done absolutely nothing since becoming President

as informed in He openly treats women like pieces of meat, and degrades those fighting for equality – still, America nonsensically elected Donald Trump its leader. You see, Donald Trump thought being president was going to be easy. At this point, Donald Trump couldn't sell a starving man a half price taco bowl from the Trump Tower Grill. Centuries ago, our founding fathers dreamed up an intricate web of checks and balances designed specifically to protect us from wannabe tyrants like Donald Trump. And almost a year into Donald Trump's train wreck premiership, those seemingly arbitrary governmental processes don't seem so arbitrary anymore.

Donald Trump is keeping a US citizen locked up in Iraq without charges

Donald Trump's least presidential moments so far...17 show all Donald Trump's least presidential moments so far...1/17 Defending Russian President Vladimir Putin Donald Trump appeared to equate US foreign actions to those of Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying, "There are a lot of killers. Mr Trump later said that it was the "worst call" he had had so far. Bryan R Smith/Getty5/17 Praising crowd size while touring Hurricane Harvey damage After Hurricane Harvey ravaged southeastern Texas, Donald Trump paid the area a visit. Mr Trump was taking the comments out of context, as Mr Khan was simply saying that the police had everything under control. REUTERS14/17 Accusing Obama of wiretapping him Donald Trump accused former President Barack Obama of wire tapping him on twitter.

Donald Trump is keeping a US citizen locked up in Iraq without charges

Top Lawmaker Investigating Donald Trump Says Our Democracy Is Under Threat

President Donald Trump's response to any further indictments or explosive conclusions that come from the Russia probe could threaten democracy in America, Representative Adam Schiff said Tuesday. Related: Here's how Donald Trump could actually be impeachedKeep up with this story and more by subscribing now"I do feel our democracy is under threat," Schiff said Tuesday, speaking with the Associated Press. Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort and a business associate, Rick Gates, were indicted. The California Democrat described an encounter with Trump at the White House during a May visit. Schiff also provided a warning Tuesday for his colleagues investigating Trump: "I think we're all going to be held to account one day for what we did when our democracy is under threat."

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