الثلاثاء، 7 نوفمبر 2017

Jimmy Kimmel “Thanks” Donald Trump For Affordable Care Act Enrollment Surge

collected by :Tod Hinery

Jimmy Kimmel noted Wednesday marks the one-year anniversary of Donald Trump winning the presidential election. "Isn't it crazy to think we're already 80% of the way through this presidency?" Kimmel marveled. The ABC late-night host called it unfair that a lot of people say Trump hasn't accomplished anything. In this one year, he has played golf more than 70 times, which is a presidential record, Kimmel revealed. "Enrollment just started on the new health care plan, and it actually has a lot of good stuff in it.

13 onscreen female presidents who would be better than Donald Trump

In the meantime, 365 days ago we seemed mere hours away from the first female president, but that particular brand of leader remains available only in fictional form. Unable to land (so far) in reality, a female leader of the free world has shown up everywhere from sitcoms to dystopian YA landscapes. More recent female presidents have fortunately proved to be much more formidable. Jones won a well-deserved Emmy for portraying one of the strongest onscreen female presidents ever. President Sally Langston (Kate Burton), Scandal (2012)Nobody ever said that Scandal's Sally Langston didn't take advantage of an opportunity.

13 onscreen female presidents who would be better than Donald Trump

Russia's excitement for 'their man' Donald Trump has turned sour in just one year

as informed in Soon after came the evidence that Russia had first conspired against Ms Clinton, and later actively for Mr Trump. The talk is of "feik nyus", of "Russophobes" blocking Mr Trump from doing his noble, pro-Russian deeds. What's there not to like?"Several Russian governmental insiders suggested to The Independent that it was no longer clear who ran US Russia policy. The US State department was "underpopulated;" the White House "understaffed;" and the Trump administration generally "unable to respond to the challenge." They considered Mr Trump had lost control of his Russia policy to Congress. Mr Trump wasn't the problem, he said.

Donald Trump was the big loser in Virginia

(CNN) The race for Virginia governor on Tuesday night wasn't very close. And Republicans have Donald Trump to blame for it. In key areas of Virginia Republicanism -- the suburbs of Richmond and the exurbs of Washington, DC -- Republican Ed Gillespie ran far behind recent past GOP gubernatorial nominees and even behind Trump himself. Why did a race that most polling suggested was tightening -- in Gillespie's favor -- wind up not being all that close? Trump's approval rating among Virginia voters was just 42% as compared to a disapproval rating of 58%.

Donald Trump was the big loser in Virginia

A tax cut bill only Donald Trump could love

(Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post) (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)The GOP tax bill is something that only President Trump could love. There are at least five separate parts of the House legislation — which I call a "tax cut" bill because it sure isn't "tax reform" — that will benefit Trump and his family. I originally had only three, which I called the Trump Tax Trifecta, but then my Washington Post colleagues sent me two others. We can't calculate how much Trump would benefit from the House bill because he has refused to release his tax returns. The Trump tax five-fecta makes me angry, because I don't see any reason that my family should be subsidizing Trump's family.

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